




What does a chiropractic adjustment consist of?

A chiropractic adjustment is the use of a specific force in a precise direction that helps normalize spinal function. When the 24 bones that protect the spinal cord lose the normal position or motion, delicate nerve tissue can become irritated. If a thorough examination reveals malfunctioning areas of the spine, chiropractic adjustments may be recommended to help this condition.

What are the sounds I am hearing (cracking or popping)?

This noise does not come from your bones; it comes from the release of gas when two joints in your body are separated. This action is very similar to the sound you hear when you crack your knuckles or scrunch up your toes when you’re stretching. Dr. Koh is also trained in other specialized techniques where no popping or cracking is heard or felt.

What is an Activator?

An Activator is a specialized chiropractic treatment device. It uses low force to treat problems in your spine and is excellent for those patients who prefer a more gentle type of treatment.

Will I need x rays?

Just as a dentist or doctor routinely uses an x-ray to show any irregularities in bone structure, Chiropractors may need to take an x-ray of your spine to fully understand your unique spinal structure.

X-rays enable Chiropractors to rule out serious pathology, and study your case in order to decide upon the most effective course of care.

X-Rays will only be performed if absolutely necessary, usually in cases involving trauma or injury.

How long does it take to heal?

Each patient’s healing process depends on the extent of their injury, past medical history and if he/she follows the instructions given by the doctor on the best route to achieving optimal Chiropractic health. If the above are followed, most patients are surprised at how much their pain or discomfort has subsided in such a short time!

Do I have to continue with chiropractic care for the rest of my life?

No. Dr. Koh will work with each individual patient to determine his or her concerns, and what an appropriate health plan will consist of.  Suggestions will be made based upon the framework of what each patient is seeking but the patient always has the right to choose. We will always respect your decision.

Must I do stretches and exercises?

Providing patients with the tools for self management is an important part of what we do at our clinic.  Rest assured that any stretches and exercises prescribed are safe for your condition.  Once we have helped you return to optimum health, exercises have an important role to play in maintaining your vitality.

Must my practitioner refer me?

No. Chiropractors are portal of entry health care providers. Anyone may come in for a consultation and initial examination.

Are there any risks of seeing a Chiropractor?

Dr. Koh will perform an initial consultation to determine if you are a good candidate for chiropractic adjustments and Activator methods in terms of patient safety and likelihood of success. He will provide personalized treatment according to your individual condition.

If you are not a good candidate for chiropractic care, Dr. Koh will be sure to refer you to the appropriate health care provider.




What is acupuncture?

Acupuncture is the practice of inserting thin, solid needles into the skin at specific points in the body. It is a traditional chinese medicine technique that has been helping people for over 2000 years treating a variety of conditions.

Is it painful?

The method of acupuncture is performed with such a precise method; very little, if any, discomfort is detected. Any discomfort quickly subsides. When acupuncture is performed by a certified, licensed practitioner, most patients feel very relaxed during the procedure.  Typical sensations range from a tingling, warmth or pressure to a dull ache.

What does acupuncture treat?

Acupuncture has been proven effective on many common ailments such as headaches, migraines, back pain, anxiety,  sciatica, infertility, addictions, circulation disorders and much more. You don’t necessarily have to have a particular ailment to benefit from acupuncture; traditional Chinese medicine is based on the idea of prevention of disease by living in balance and harmony – what acupuncture helps to accomplish.

How does it work?

Numerous studies have shown acupuncture points are “hot spots” of the nervous system. By employing needle stimulation, we are able to decrease the sensitivity of the nervous system, thereby reducing your pain!  Acupuncture can also release trigger points and promote relaxation.

How long will it take me to get results?

This will obviously vary from patient to patient depending upon the condition your are being treated for.  Some patients report immediate relief while others will require repeated treatment sessions.  In general, most patients usually require anywhere from 5-10 sessions.




Light phototherapy or laser therapy as it is commonly known, uses a specialized light to penetrate the skin and tissues to stimulate the body’s natural repair process.  This results in decreased pain, swelling, inflammation and remarkably reduced healing time.

It works well for athletic injuries, repetitive strain injuries, as well as both acute and chronic conditions.  It does so by stimulating the bodies natural healing process resulting in a safe, gentle effective treatment.  

How does it work?

Laser therapy stimulates the cells of the injured area with light at specialized wavelengths.  This results in photochemical reactions where the body’s cells produce energy at an increased rate.  This biochemical increase in energy optimizes cell function for recovery.  Efficiency increases and the body heals itself faster.  The benefits of laser therapy include:

·       Increased cell metabolism

·       Reduction of local inflammation

·       Relief of acute and chronic pain

·       Increased local blood circulation and lymphatic drainage

·       Collagen and muscle tissue repair

What conditions does it treat?

  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Achilles tendonitis
  • Diabetic Foot Ulcer healing
  • Muscle Spasms or tension
  • Fibromyalgia and Neuralgia
  • Lower Back Pain
  • Herpes Simplex and Herpes Zoster (Shingles)
  • Carpel Tunnel Syndrome – Hand
  • Whiplash Neck Injuries
  • Migraine Headaches
  • TMJ of Jaw – Temporo Mandibular Joint Dysfunction
  • Rotator Cuff Syndrome
  • Post Operative Knee and Hip Rehabilitation
  • Ankle Sprains
  • Cosmetic facial Contouring, Scars and Keloid repair
  • Chronic Pain and Acute Pain reduction
  • Soft Tissue Injuries
  • Arthritis – Rheumatoid and Osteo Arthritis and Bursitis
  • Swelling
  • Inflammation conditions
  • Bruising
  • Edema
  • Post surgical healing of scars, incision site and pain, swelling, bruising
  • Strains of muscle, muscle and tendon tears, Ligaments
  • Sprains of ankle and other places
  • Sports medicine for injury of athletes
  • Sinusitis
  • Headache
  • Foot Pain